Christmas . . . Day 8

Quick post tonight, just home from a holiday party and my kids are still up.  It is a school night and I need to get them fed and to bed.  I found some inspiration from some of YOU to share.

From Tracy:

From Wendy:

And from my CT, Mathilde:

Day 8 Download here (no longer available).


  1. Thanks so much for the templates.Ladies – the pages are fabulous!!

  2. Thank you once again! Have a nice day!

  3. Thank you very much!

  4. Thank you for the template and the inspiration!

  5. Thank you so much 🙂

  6. thanks for sharing all your gifts this month they are adorable

  7. Thank you so much for your daily effort to give us your gift of talent. I missed the first two days of templates, but so glad I found your blog as I'm enjoying reading and gaining more inspiration. Hugs!

  8. Thanks for featuring some of my pages!! Here's my Day 8

  9. Thank you, you are such an inspiration…Here's our December 8th layout…

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