Freebie Update and New Products

Well Thank You Very Much  And your generous bandwidth.  So I switched the freebie on the Two Little Pixels Blog over and it is available HERE on the Two Little Pixels Blog.

I also unpacked my Grab Bag and uploaded everything into the Two Little Pixels Shoppe.  Head on over now and you can pick up the new goodies and 20% off for a short time.

Pick up this 20 page album for only $4.00 to showcase the special photos: (I love the way this turned out)

I also have a mini kit to coordinate.

Don’t you just “Love” the kit, lol.  So there you have it.

So my weekend is loaded up with sports and won’t be designing till next week.  We are driving to an out of town wrestling tournament of Saturday and doing a local match on Sunday, both for my son.

My daughter is staying home to take care of our 130 pd puppy.  Have you ever seen him?

Here you go.  ALL 130 pounds of him.  You would never know he was the biggest wimp of a dog.

We also have an indoor soccer game for my daughter Saturday night.  Luckily my son’s soccer team doesn’t have any game this weekend, because I don’t know how I would fit it.

Oh and did I tell you the big news?  Oh, sorry, can’t yet, but I do have some SUPER BIG news to share with you all in the next few weeks when I get the OK.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. . . .  hugs. . . .


  1. Thank you so much for the new link !!I so LOVE your minikit !! 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for the freebie, but please don't tell me about super big news without telling me what it is. I am sooooo curious, can't wait to get the news. By the way: I grabbed the gab bag and made a super big deal. Did not regret it. The only thing I regret is, that I didn't yet find the time to scrap the template pack. But used the kit for a template I will release soon and will thereby promote your kit a little bit. It is really beautiful. Big HugsCorinna

  3. Thank you for the freebie…

  4. Thank you!!Your dog is gorgeous 😀

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